From our results, we can determine that forearm circumference increases with the grip strength. (Null hypothesis is rejected.) However, gender may have played a significant role too as we have abnormalities in our result. For example, we have a lady with a small forearm circumference who presented with similar forearm strength with a gentleman with a bigger forearm circumference. Thus we can further compare the difference between the correlations of both factors based on gender.
Our results also show that there is a positive co-relation between both left and right hand. This result is especially useful in rehabilitation for hemiplegic patients. We can use the strong hand to determine the basis of treatment, as well as for goal setting purposes.
Lastly, we can further work on this project using left-hand dominant as our sample population to determine whether there is equal correlation with the right-hand dominant people. We can also use an electro-myogram (EMG) to determine which muscle is the major contributor in grip strength force production.

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